- General terms and conditions: scope of application
- RedAnts CarSystems GmbH (hereinafter “RedAnts GmbH”) provides services of quality assurance for their clients from the industry (hereinafter “customer”). All car work, supply and customer services (Hereinafter collectively referred to as “services”) and offers of RedAnts GmbH are subject to these General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter “GTC”).
- The validity of any of these GTC of differing or conflicting conditions of the customer is hereby expressly prohibited. Such conditions are not part of the contract, unless RedAnts GmbH has expressly agreed in writing their validity.
- These GTC apply only to legal transactions with companies within the meaning of § 14 BGB, legal persons of public law or public special assets.
- RedAnts GmbH and the customer agree that these GTC have validity not only for the first transaction between them. The application of these GTC for all other transactions is hereby expressly agreed.
- Additional agreements, assurances and changes to the contracts, in particular unilateral declarations, must be in writing. This also applies to the waiver of the written form.